Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Robots for People Do We Really Need Them Essay - 1502 Words
Robots for people: Do we really need them? Introduction: Scientific progress makes huge milestones toward developing new advanced technologies which are more and more present in human lives. Today robots replace people in many spheres such as health care, security and military, industry, education, entertainment and science. Role of robots becomes more significant because they are able to do the job which people are not able to perform well. Sometimes people are too lazy to do some routine work, due to such situation those tasks could be delegated to machines. People’s life become more technology based what makes demand for efficient robots larger. Engineers say that today robots look like machines, but in near future robots will have†¦show more content†¦In 1495 Leonardo Da Vinci invented armored knight which used to have mechanics that moved knight. Such robots were used to entertain royalties during different events. Later in 1801 Joseph Jacuard invented automated loom which was controlled by punched cards. (K.-D Bouzak is and S.Mitsi, 2004) Punch cards were taken as a base for input method for earliest computers. Nikola Tesla invented remote controller robot boat in the late nineteenth century. In 1936 was one of the most significant in robotics because Alan Turing introduced first theoretical computer concept of Turing Machine with the following continuation of his work under the name Computing Machinery and Intelligence where he tests machines for independent thinking. In 1956 notion as â€Å"artificial intelligence†appeared as a result of the conference in Dartmouth College organized by Nat Rochester and Claude Shannon and later both scientists started working on it in MIT laboratory. Need to mention that real history of robotics when first robots were created started in 1961.It was a time when one of the first computer operated robot called MH-1 was developed in MIT and one year later was working on the assembly line of General Motors doing the most dangerous and difficult work which not only saved many people from different kinds of injuries and even death but also made productionShow MoreRelatedEssay on robotics536 Words  | 3 PagesRobots-unethical/immoral? Lately there have been more and more smart machines that have been taking over regular human tasks but as it grows the bigger picture is that robots will take over a lot of tasks now done by people. But, many people think that there are important ethical and moral issues that have to be dealt with this. Sooner or later there is going to be a robot that will interact in a humane manner but there are many questions to be asked like; how will they interact with us? 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