Thursday, December 26, 2019
MAVNI ciudadana rpida por servir en Ejrcito de USA
El programa MAVNI de el Pentà ¡gono alista inmigrantes especializados en ofrecià ©ndoles obtener la ciudadanà a americana en apenas unas semanas sin necesidad de obtener primero la tarjeta de residencia (green card). En la actualidad este programa està ¡ pendiente de revisià ³n y NO se admiten solicitudes para el aà ±o fiscal 2017. Se puede leer informacià ³n de cà ³mo aplicaba para los interesados en la posible restauracià ³n del programa.  ¿Quà © es MAVNI? El programa, conocido como Accesiones Militares Vitales por causa del Interà ©s Nacional (MAVNI, siglas en inglà ©s) busca profesionales extranjeros especialistas en idiomas o en profesiones de la salud donde no puede completar sus necesidades con ciudadanos americanos o residentes permanentes legales. La regla general es que en las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos sà ³lo se pueden alistar ciudadanos y residentes. El programa MAVNI es la excepcià ³n. Quà © profesionales pueden aplicar para MAVNI Las categorà as profesionales que busca el Pentà ¡gono para este programa son dos: Especialistas en idiomas, principalmente asià ¡ticas y africanas, pero tambià ©n se necesitan personas con excelente conocimiento de portuguà ©s. El espaà ±ol no està ¡ incluido. Aclarar que no es necesario ser nativo de esos idiomas, pero sà tener un buen conocimiento ya que hay que aprobar un examen. Profesionales de la salud. En la actualidad las Fuerzas Armadas necesitan especialistas: dentistas, cirujanos generales, torà ¡cicos y orales, mà ©dicos especialistas en emergencias, medicina interna y medicina familiar, oftalmà ³logos, otorrinolaringà ³logos, pediatras, psicà ³logos clà nicos, psiquiatras, entomà ³logos, enfermeros anestesistas y psiquià ¡tricos,oficiales de trabajo social clà nico y asistentes mà ©dicos. Requisitos de situacià ³n migratoria para ser aceptado en MAVNI Hay que cumplir con las siguientes condiciones: Estar presente en Estados Unidos en una de las siguientes situaciones: asilado o refugiadoVisa E (inversià ³n)Visa F (estudiante)Visa H (trabajo)Visa I, periodistaVisa J (intercambio)Visa K (novio/a de ciudadano)Visa L (transfer entre empresas)Visa M (estudiante ocupacional)Visa O (habilidades excepcionales)Visa PVisa QVisa R (religioso)Visa SVisa T (trà ¡fico humano)Visa TC, TD y TN (mexicanos por Tratado de Libre Comercio) Visa U, và ctimas de violencia.TPS (proteccià ³n temporal) DACA aprobado para jà ³venes indocumentados que llegaron a USA antes de cumplir los 16 aà ±os de edad. Es necesario que en el momento de alistarse se lleve al menos dos aà ±os viviendo en Estados Unidos y que durante ese periodo de tiempo las estancias fuera del paà s no superen los 90 dà as corridos. Otros requisitos para MAVNI Tener como mà nimo estudios de liceo (llamado en algunos paà ses prepa o bachillerato, es decir,el equivalente al high school americano). Aunque para la categorà a de profesionales sanitarios habrà ¡ que tener todos los estudios que se requieren para ejercer la profesià ³n segà ºn las leyes americanas y tener la licencia correspondiente.Aprobar un examen de conocimientos.Pasar satisfactoriamente una revisià ³n de antecedentes penales.Comprometerse a servir en activo en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito americano por cuatro aà ±os, para los contratados por sus conocimientos lingà ¼Ãƒ sticos, y por tres aà ±os en activo los profesionales de la sanidad. Otra opcià ³n es prestar seis aà ±os en el Servicio de Reserva. A quà © se compromete el Pentà ¡gono  A acelerar los trà ¡mites para la obtencià ³n de la ciudadanà a americana sin necesidad de tener que pasar por el paso intermedio de obtener primero la green card y al cabo de los aà ±os aplicar por la ciudadanà a por naturalizacià ³n. Esto significa que en la mayorà a de los casos se iniciarà an los trà ¡mites al finalizar las diez semanas de entrenamiento que se conoce como BCT, por sus siglas en inglà ©s. Si la persona contratada en este programa no cumple con su compromiso de servir un nà ºmero de aà ±os en el Ejà ©rcito, podrà a ser penalizado con la pà ©rdida de la ciudadanà a americana. Ademà ¡s destacar que se tienen los beneficios que corresponden a cualquier persona que se aliste en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos.  ¿Cuà ¡ntas plazas hay disponibles? En la actualidad, ninguna ya que el programa està ¡ paralizado desde fecha del fin del aà ±o fiscal 2106.  ¿Cà ³mo se solicita alistarse? Es necesario esperar para ver si se vuelve a abrir este programa. Se puede solicitar informacià ³n en una oficina local de reclutamiento del Ejà ©rcito o seguir esta pà ¡gina de FB con miembros de MAVNI y personas que desean unirse.. A la hora de aplicar se necesitarà ¡n: I-94, registro de entrada y salida I-797, que es una carta que utiliza el USCIS para notificar beneficios migratorios.PasaporteTodos los documentos que se tengan emitidos por el gobierno donde conste la situacià ³n migratoria del solicitante. Permiso de trabajo (EAD, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), si se tuviera. Quià ©nes no pueden solicitar admisià ³n en este programa El Mavni no es ni para ciudadanos ni para residentes permanentes legales, quienes pueden libremente alistarse como oficiales o soldados rasos, si asà lo desean y cumplen con los requisitos para servir. Tampoco es para inmigrantes indocumentados con la excepcià ³n de los jà ³venes con DACA aprobado. Esto es un cambio reciente, ya que en los primeros aà ±os de MAVNI estaban excluidos, pero ahora ya pueden. Ni tampoco es para extranjeros que no se encuentren ya en Estados Unidos en una de las situaciones seà ±aladas en este artà culo mà ¡s arriba ni tampoco para los que se encuentren en el paà s con una visa de turista. De interà ©s Estas son las opciones de trabajo legal en Estados Unidos. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Robots for People Do We Really Need Them Essay - 1502 Words
Robots for people: Do we really need them? Introduction: Scientific progress makes huge milestones toward developing new advanced technologies which are more and more present in human lives. Today robots replace people in many spheres such as health care, security and military, industry, education, entertainment and science. Role of robots becomes more significant because they are able to do the job which people are not able to perform well. Sometimes people are too lazy to do some routine work, due to such situation those tasks could be delegated to machines. People’s life become more technology based what makes demand for efficient robots larger. Engineers say that today robots look like machines, but in near future robots will have†¦show more content†¦In 1495 Leonardo Da Vinci invented armored knight which used to have mechanics that moved knight. Such robots were used to entertain royalties during different events. Later in 1801 Joseph Jacuard invented automated loom which was controlled by punched cards. (K.-D Bouzak is and S.Mitsi, 2004) Punch cards were taken as a base for input method for earliest computers. Nikola Tesla invented remote controller robot boat in the late nineteenth century. In 1936 was one of the most significant in robotics because Alan Turing introduced first theoretical computer concept of Turing Machine with the following continuation of his work under the name Computing Machinery and Intelligence where he tests machines for independent thinking. In 1956 notion as â€Å"artificial intelligence†appeared as a result of the conference in Dartmouth College organized by Nat Rochester and Claude Shannon and later both scientists started working on it in MIT laboratory. Need to mention that real history of robotics when first robots were created started in 1961.It was a time when one of the first computer operated robot called MH-1 was developed in MIT and one year later was working on the assembly line of General Motors doing the most dangerous and difficult work which not only saved many people from different kinds of injuries and even death but also made productionShow MoreRelatedEssay on robotics536 Words  | 3 PagesRobots-unethical/immoral? Lately there have been more and more smart machines that have been taking over regular human tasks but as it grows the bigger picture is that robots will take over a lot of tasks now done by people. But, many people think that there are important ethical and moral issues that have to be dealt with this. Sooner or later there is going to be a robot that will interact in a humane manner but there are many questions to be asked like; how will they interact with us? Do we reallyRead MoreHow Robots Have A Positive Impact On Our Future1546 Words  | 7 Pageswould not need to help Mom and Dad, carrying stuff for them or cleaning up after them! You can have a robot help you with your daily activities such as cleaning your room, washing your car, and even wiping for you once you are done using the bathroom. A robot is a machine designed to complete or carry out multiple tasks when programmed to do so. Robots play a huge role in discovery, such as Mars Curiosity Rover, that is used to obse rve Mar’s surface and environment. We have used Robots to study theRead MoreHow Robots Have A Positive Impact On Our Future1546 Words  | 7 Pageswould not need to help Mom and Dad, carrying stuff for them or cleaning up after them! You can have a robot help you with your daily activities such as cleaning your room, washing your car, and even wiping for you once you are done using the bathroom. A robot is a machine designed to complete or carry out multiple tasks when programmed to do so. Robots play a huge role in discovery, such as Mars Curiosity Rover, that is used to observe Mar’s surface and environment. We have used Robots to study theRead MorePersonal Robot or Not: I Robot1397 Words  | 6 Pagespersonal robot completing the long list of chores you left for it has plugged itself in for the night and will be ready for more work tomorrow. Domestic robots or service robots are machines designed to accomplish household chores. These robots are slowly becoming more and more popular in our growing world. â€Å"Starting from humble beginnings in the middle of the twentieth century, the field has seen great successes in manufacturing and industrial robotics, as well as personal and service robots of variousRead MoreHow Technology Has Changed Our Life1431 Words  | 6 Pagesrole will robots play in the future With the rapid development of the technology, telephone was invented, computer was invented, and now scientists have invented robots that can be apply in some fields and affect our life. At first, scientist invented robots was in order to make life more convenient. Indeed, we do not need to sweep the floor every week because robots can help us, and also we do not need to get round to wash dishes before working every day after finishing rush dinner. Yes, we cannotRead MoreBeginning In The Eighties And Nineties, We Entered A New1659 Words  | 7 PagesBeginning in the eighties and nineties, we entered a new world of big hair and bad style; although, in the technological realm, there were tape players, Walkman’s, VCR’s, and fresh on the market: personal computers. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne’s creation of the Apple soon began dominating the computer era with their introduction of the Lisa computer. But not for long, soon computer technology incre ased to unimaginable heights. As I grew up the in the nineties the technology aroundRead MoreEssay Robots1640 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION 1 WHAT ARE ROBOTS ADVANTEGES AND DÄ °SADVANTAGES? 1 ADVANTAGES 1 DÄ °SADVANTAGES 3 THE FUTURE OF ROBOTS 3 WHAT CAN ROBOTS DO? 5 CONCLUSION 5 REFERENCES 6 ROBOTÄ °CS INTRODUCTION Robots are the largest growing technological devices in the world. They perform many functions ranging from space exploration to entertainment. In the following essay the functions of robots, the various types of robots and the advantages andRead MoreRobots And Robotics : Problems And Opportunities Essay1634 Words  | 7 PagesRobots in the Classroom: Problems and Opportunities Biometrics, augmented reality eyewear, and driverless automobiles have all been offered to us as very real possibilities within the next few years. These emerging technologies fill us with enthusiasm about what is in store for us in the future and inspire young learners to become immersed in disciplines that will help them understand these technologies. But what technologies are on the horizon that will help these budding inventors in theirRead MoreRobots, For Our Generation They Are New Invention Of 21St1265 Words  | 6 PagesRobots, for our generation they are new invention of 21st century, but truth is that even in ancient time’s great minds as Leonardo Da Vinci who was thinking to make a robots, which can make our life easier. As proof of people researchers discovered many interesting blueprints of robots, considering that it was 5 centuries ago this is astonishing. This essay will not be about robots that people use in military field or robots that we use in daily l ife this essay will reveal the field were robotsRead MoreWhy Engineering Is The Career Best For A Friend With School Projects Essay1272 Words  | 6 Pagesdownsides and problems. Some problems in this field include: a shortage of engineers, lack of proper education, and jobs being lost to robots. These problems can get worse in time as the population rises and as technology advances. Even though we live in a world of technology run by engineers and mathematicians, we do not have as many engineers as we need. One reason we can look at is the lack of motivation that an engineering undergrad is facing. â€Å"A major contributor to the lack of student interest
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
A Reflection on Renaissance Art Essay Example For Students
A Reflection on Renaissance Art Essay In the Middle Ages, Renaissance art became a huge influence. The idea of expanding civilization and cultural expansions eventually led to humanism beliefs. Renaissance Artworks such as, The Money Lender and His Wife, School of Athens, Creation of Adam, and David are four sample pieces that accurately portray the humanities of the Renaissance. The Money Lender of His Wife, by Matsys focuses on a man who is busy weighing the pearls, pieces of gold coins and jewels on the table while this is distracting his wife from reading, which may show as a Bible. The moral aspect of this painting shows the shiny gold coins and pearls symbolically representing lust, which has distracted the wife from her devotion of spiritual reading. Matsys also cleverly added the color white for purity of the Virgin as the wifes hat cloth. As well as the objects in the background highlights the true meaning of this painting. The growth of capitalism is but one more example of the trend toward individualism that characterized a transitional period in a European society that was busily rebuilding itself to match the new view of reality (LAMM. 8). The effects of capitalism, experimentation, the enlightenment and original thinkers dramatically caused the possibilities of individualism drifting away from virtual values of the church. This portrays to how the humanities of the Renaissance really came to be. School of Athens by Urbino shows all of the greatest scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, and thinkers of ancient Rome from people who lived in different time periods in one painting. Theres Aristotle, Plato, Pythagoras, and Ptolemy who depicts the changing world of true reality that is overwhelmingly unchanging. This work of art created by Urbino issues us a challenge of becoming the philosophers like them, to change the world by expanding and creating new ideas. The four giant wall murals depicting the four branches of human knowledge and wisdom: theology, law, poetry, and philosophy- is itself a summary of Renaissance humanism (LAMM. 48). The Creation of Adam by Simoni influences the development of Western art. Adam and God who is the main focus of the painting represent the birth of human race. God is depicted as an elderly, yet muscular, man with grey hair and a long beard. Rather than wearing royal garments and depicted as an all-powerful ruler, he wears only a light tunic.  The red and blue colors show that something is significant and important in the painting. The white on God shows purity and importance as well. In the other hand, Adam is depicting his posture as a lack of response to Gods imminent touch.  This touch will not only give life to Adam, but will give life to all mankind. The young children or angels surrounding God are Eves offspring, which is us; the future generation â€Å"the birth of life. The David by Bardi shows a well-known biblical storyline of Davids victorious battle against Goliath. The statute clearly shows Goliaths cut-off head from which David struck him with a stone from his slingshot and victoriously chopped his head off with his sword. Back in the Renaissance, people loved and looked up to nudity, paled skin, and feminism. As well as the Tuscan shepherds cap and the warrior boots emphasizes such feminism. David is typically represented as a king, given as a strong man, but in Bardis view he obviously viewed David has a young, non-muscular and innocent boy. On such modeled classical sculptural type, Davids triumph symbolizes Christs victory over death, but Bardis intentions remains a tantalizing mystery (LAMM. 30). Bardis creation also depicts the flowing lines and the balance of tension and relaxation (LAMM. 0) on Davids body, which was famous and classical back in the Renaissance. Choosing these four uniquely art pieces fitly represents the Renaissance in our text book because they all depict on how the Renaissance was definitely a distinct era. It inspires the belief of humanism and enlightening ideas that had changed the world greatly. In our current culture we can learn about the Renaissance way of valuing their culture by art. It illustrates an accurate portrayal of the humanities of the R enaissance.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Isolating the Components of a Three Component Mixture free essay sample
The purpose of this experiment was to separate the component of three mixtures sand, sodium chloride and calcium carbonate then calculate the percentage by mass of each component recovered from the mixture. The other purpose of this experiment was to show us the students the concepts associated with physical and chemical properties of substances. Me and my lab partner, obtained a mixture of a un known proportion from the instructor and then flow the guide line in our lab manual to separate the mixture by applying the separation method motioned in our lab manual pages 33-40 . In this experiment, the separation methods were decantation, filtration and evaporation and extraction and each is explained below: Decantation, this is the separation of liquid from a solid by careful pouring the supernatant liquid from the holding vessel without disturbing the solid at the bottom of the container. Filtration, Filtration is a mechanical or physical process to separate solid particulates from fluids. We will write a custom essay sample on Isolating the Components of a Three Component Mixture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The solid remaining behind on the filter paper is known as the residue and the liquid that passes through the paper is called the filtrate. Evaporation, the process by which molecules undergo the a spontaneous transition from the liquid phase to the gas phase. Evaporation is the opposite of condensation. The remaining residue in the evaporation cup is the substance that had been dissolved in the solvent. In this experiment we also used a chemical method known as extraction. This process of separation is used when only one component of the mixture is soluble in a specific solvent. In our case we had to use hydrochloric acid (HCl).Extractions, is a way to separate a desired substance when it is mixed with others. The mixture is brought into contact with a solvent in which the substance of interest is soluble, but the other substances present are insoluble. And below is a table of elements and separation method. Element Elements and compounds are pure substances. The composition of a pure substance is constant, and thus pure substances have characteristic physical properties that do not change and this is why we are able to separate each element in this lab experiment. Examples of physical properties that can be used to describe pure substances include solubility, conductivity, magnetism, density, boiling point, and melting point. Since we obtain an unknown proportion of a mixture, it’s important to mention that a mixture is a result of a combination of two or more pure substances that do not react chemically. The physical properties of a mixture depend on its composition because the amounts of each substance making up a mixture can vary. By taking advantage of the unique physical properties of individual components within a mixture, it should be possible to separate a mixture into its components. Mixtures have the following fundamental properties: 1each component of a mixture retains its chemical identity and hence its own properties. 2 Composition of a mixture may vary while that of its components is fixed. 3 Mixtures can be separated into these components by using physical methods like, decantation, distillation, evaporation, crystallization, sublimation, and filtration. In this lab, a mixture of three solids was separated to their individual components through decantation, filtration and evaporation and extraction. By adding up the weights of the various components, we recovered 2.53 grams of starting material which was 3 grams. You can find more data about this experiment on page 44and 45 of the attached data sheet. Below is a table of each element and mass in grams from our experiment. Element In the experiment we collected data though observed and analyzed it then we calculated the percentage of each of the three mixtures as shown on the attached sheet from page (43 to 45) . We also calculated the percentage error from our recovery of the mixture components using the percent error equation .we had 16 %error as shown on the data sheet on page 45 calculation number 9. (Mass of sample analyzed in glams – total mass of recovered NaCl, SiO2, and CaCO3) *100% Mass of sample analyzed in glams. The overall purpose of the separation and extraction lab experiment was to isolate the mixture to three pure substances of sand, sodium chloride and calcium carbonate. Through observation and analyzing of data from this experiment, I think we did achieve the intended goals of this experiment. We separated the mixture to its three pure substances by Filtration, Evaporation, Extraction and decantation. In conclusion I can only say that the four methods of separation decantation, filtration and evaporation plus the extraction delivered the experiment to the expected standards. We were able to recover almost all of the three mixtures solids calcium carbonate sodium chloride and sand by a percentage of 84% with an error of 16%. And yes, a mixture of NH4Cl, NaCl, and NH4Cl can be separated into different substances by physical means supports the stated purpose of this experiment and proves that mixtures can be separated into their components by physical means.
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